Posts Tagged ‘speed of light’

Hello all, I was away sea so I apologize for the delayed post.  I really thought that Sea time would be conducive to writing but it doesn’t seem to work out that way.  I prefer to be in a dark room, with a hot cup of tea and the sounds of rain at my window or in a crowded coffee shop, fervently people-watching to help me build new characters.  Today’s sharing is not my best work but certainly a long way from my worst.  Hopefully you enjoy reading it, feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.  Thanks for your time, I know there are a lot of demands on it.

Rumours and Imaginations

Interstellar travel, it has piqued the minds of every person who has ever tilted their chin up and really had a look.  Throughout human history people have always looked to the stars.  At first they simply wondered what they were and in doing so made up fanciful stories of great beings and how it all came to be.  Once the discovery was made that those little twinkly lights were actual locations that you could conceivably travel to, the spark was lit.  Unfortunately it wasn’t long before it was also discovered that they are far away, really surprisingly stupefyingly inordinately far away.  Due to that ludicrous distance it was quickly discovered that humans don’t yet have the means to get there.  That didn’t stop the need to study them, after some time these oppressive distances could be calculated with an impressive level of accuracy but that only served to drive home just how unattainable these stars were to conventional forms of travel. (more…)