Archive for August, 2014

I am sorry if this story took a while to get out but I set up another challenge for myself.  This time the whole story is being told entirely with dialog.  There isn’t a narrative word in the whole 2700, not is a “he said”, “she said”.  Hopefully that doesn’t disrupt the flow of the story too much.  Enjoy.

The Cost of Love

“Good evening gentlemen, if you would all please take your seats. The opening portion of these sorts of talks would normally start with an introduction and a quick telling of my background to justify what I am presenting. I think you will forgive my interest in privacy and permit a pseudonym for our interactions. Once I had completed my research I sought out a discrete group of ad men, if such a thing exists. We went through a battery of titles to present the product with: DR. Love was deemed too derivative, DR. Cupid was too cutesy, DR. Fix-up sounded like an after school TV program. In the end we settled on DR. Link, so from this point forward, all referrals and interactions shall refer my organization and indeed myself as DR. Link. (more…)

I can’t and wont guarantee this kind of update rate.  When writing strikes me I will indulge it, when I need to take care of other tasks, there may be a lull.  I am after all the father of a 13 month old, and that can take up a lot of time and energy.  At any rate, here is the next Multiversal Yarn.  Let me know what you think.


Arthur Wilson was an Electronic Engineer by trade and a noted inventor. His creations had provided a comfortable life; he often worked from a shop build into the home he shared with his wife Edna. They had a very happy marriage and before long Edna had become pregnant.

As an inventor and creator, the concept of teaming up with his spouse to create a new life was something that fascinated Arthur greatly. He went out of his way to look after his wife and made sure she wanted for nothing during the pregnancy. Any spare time however, was spent busily in his shop creating new products for their child and in time for the mass market of baby products. (more…)