Posts Tagged ‘mental prototype’

I wanted to challenge myself to write a 3000+ word short story with absolutely no dialog, purely narrative driven.  Here is the result.  Hope you enjoy, please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Mental Prototype 

            In the late 20th century, we mapped the human genome it was a fantastic achievement. Who could have guessed what that would lead to? In the early 21st century in-utero genetic testing for defects and genetic diseases was the norm. There was however, a byproduct to this altruistic prevention of crippling disorders, there were other tools available in the human genome; This gave way to the so called “designer babies”.

It started with simple things like choosing your child’s eye colour, but it wasn’t long before someone found the genetic markers for metabolism and started to tweak resting musculature and body fat content. The paradigm shift however came when Dr. Arturo Blain found a way to alter the immune system’s response to wounds, diseases and even the effects of aging. (more…)