Posts Tagged ‘control’

I am enjoying a return to writing and hopefully will have opportunity to stretch my creative needs more often.  Thank you for your interested and for accepting the sporadic nature of the updates on this site.




Weather When Requested


“That’s impossible!”

A slow grin crept onto the face of Cecil Leach, a climate scientist and hobbyist inventor.  Mostly a homebody, he occasionally liked to hang out in coffee shops and people-watch.  Lost in his own world, typing away on his laptop, he was startled by the quizzical proddings of a young woman that, even at first glance, appeared to be his polar opposite.

Eden Teller had a bright streak of green in her wild hair, unapologetic horn rimmed glasses and she seems to be wearing every conceivable colour at once.  She had an infectious smile and evidently harboured no hesitation in walking up to a complete stranger, mid work-flow, and asking: (more…)